All Collections
Prediko Features
How to use Prediko features for Inventory Management
Planning with Prediko
How to Edit Smart Model?
How to Filter in Prediko
Re-Plan: Why you should Refresh your Plan Regularly
How to Plan for a Newly Launched Product?
How to Plan by Location?
Why is there a small difference between the value I entered and the value that is loaded once I saved my change?
How are Pre-orders taken into account on Prediko?
I have multiple Locations (warehouses) - how do you Plan for them?
Planning Table (Demand Planning)
How to Use the Buying Table
Views on Buying Table
What columns can you add to the Buying Table?
How are the Buying Recommendations calculated?
I don't want to reorder a SKU. Can I update this in Prediko?
How to edit parameters per Product or SKU on Buying Table
How to change the Safety Stock + Days of Cover per product
How to change the MOQs per product
Why is a product not appearing in the Buying Table?
Sort the Buying Table by product size
Buying Table - How to see it per Location?
See Orders in a Buying Table
Units to Order in the next PO - edit on the Buying Table
How to create a Purchase Order
Purchase Order Statuses
Additional Costs in PO
How to import / create PO from Excel?
Receiving and Closing POs
How to change delivery date in the PO?
Automatically add received units to Shopify from POs on Prediko
How to Export a PO from Prediko?
How do I Order per Location?
Where do the addresses on PDF PO Export come from?
How to send the Supplier an email with the PO in Prediko directly?
How to add Notes to your Order?
How do I add a unique SKU name per Supplier?
Sync your POs to ShipHero
Why create POs in Prediko and not in Shopify
Ordering in Packs
Add attachment to Purchase Order
Adding Tags to PO
Barcodes on Prediko
Moving SKUs from the Purchase Order
Duplicate Order
Creating Raw Materials Catalogue inside Prediko
Create Raw Material Purchase Order
Creating a Bill of Materials (BOM) inside Prediko
How to create a Production Order
Production Orders: Create a PO for missing Raw Materials in one click!
How to update Location for the Bill of Material?
Is it a Bundle or a Bill of Material (BOM)?
Upcoming Raw Materials features
How many Raw Materials should I order?