Raw Materials POs
Once you have Created Raw Material on Prediko, you can go ahead and create Purchase Order.
Creating a Purchase Order of Raw Materials from Raw Materials Catalogue
1) To create a PO for raw materials, first select the materials needed and select 'Create PO'
2) Add in the desired number of units to order.
3) Add in any additional costs and any notes
4) Once the PO is created you will now see this in your Orders section under the Purchase Order tab. It will have the label 'Raw Material' on there to distinguish from other purchase orders.
5) Once you change status to "Ordered" for PO for Raw Materials, you will see the "Units in Transit" go up for this "Raw Material".
6) Once you receive your units in PO - Prediko will automatically increase the number of "Units in Stock" for this Raw Material.
Creating a Purchase Order of Raw Materials from Finished Good page
You can also create a PO for the Raw Materials straight from the Finished Good page!
Go to the Buying Table
Select SKU that has Bill of Material
Open the SKU detail page
See Raw Materials related to this Finished Good at the bottom of the page
Select Raw Materials and click Create PO
Action | Units in Stock | Units in Transit |
Start | 0 | 0 |
Create PO > "Ordered" Status | 0 | +500 |
Receive Units in PO | +500 | 0 |