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Smart Model Settings - "Type of Refresh"
Smart Model Settings - "Type of Refresh"

Select how you would like to keep your plan up to date.

Anya Bacon avatar
Written by Anya Bacon
Updated over 5 months ago

In your "Plan Settings" you can set the type of refresh you would like to have of your Smart Model. There are two types of refresh: "Auto - [frequency]" and "Manual".

What is the difference between "Auto" and "Manual" refresh?



Auto-refresh Plan?

No, only manually.

You can refresh your Plan either by "Editing" or triggering a refresh - Learn more here.


Your total 12-months Plan is re-distributed at each refresh based on most recent data.

Can I edit Plan?

Yes, any input.

From Total to SKU level - Learn more here.

Yes but only 12-months Total Plan.

This is the input you control and Prediko then redistributes Sales across all SKUs.

What is taken into account when you redistribute Plan?

Prediko grabs your Total Sales Plan for 12 months that you set and given most recent sales history, allocates where the set growth is most likely to come from.

We look at SKU, Category and Store performance, analysing recent sales patterns and returns.

E.g. if one SKU started selling more in recent weeks, this trend will be picked up and a bigger proportion of your overall Plan will be distributed to it.

What frequency should I choose?

By default we start you on the "Auto" refresh, as we find that as long as you keep your Total 12-month Sales Plan accurate, frequent refreshes of the Plan will capture the latest trends and keep your Plan as accurate as possible (based on your Shopify sales data).

With most companies doing in-depth financial planning at best once a quarter, with Prediko Auto refresh, you effectively capture the latest trends each time an update runs for your Plan distribution!

However, if you see that your Plan needs manual tweak - not a problem! Switch Off Auto refresh and Edit away, with the ability to refresh the Plan whenever you need to!



Have my own Plan that I want to enter manually and need to Edit my Plan.

Have top-level Plan growth for a year and base Plan on recent trends and don't need to Edit results.

I want to keep my Plan static and update manually on needs basis.

My Sales trends change often and I want to make sure my Plan reflects the latest distribution at all times.

There are external factors that algorithm may not pick up and I need to manually override those to ensure my Plan is accurate.

If my Plan is based on my Shopify sales history it is likely to be accurate.

How to update my Plan when I select "Maunal"?

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