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How to Use the Buying Table
Anya Bacon avatar
Written by Anya Bacon
Updated over 7 months ago

What is the Buying Table?

The Buying Table is like the engine room of Prediko. The central hub of the platform, it shows you all the different product SKU's and all the information associated with your inventory management.

What the Buying Table helps you do?

The Buying Table tells how much should you be buying at any one time to make sure that you've got enough stock and that you are not losing too much money.

  • Review performance on a SKU level

  • See what actions you need to take for a particular SKU

  • Create PO directly with just 1-click

Note: We remove Archived and Digital Products, as well as Bundles within the Buying Table (as demand for Bundles is auto spread to individual SKUs).

Important features of the Buying Table

  1. Health

    1. See what is the Health of each SKU is right now and what it will be at the next delivery.

      (Pro tip: Hover on the status for a detailed timeline view of where your SKU is currently at).

  2. Action & Alerts

    1. See what action you need to take now to make your SKU 'Healthy' at your next delivery.

      Important: Your SKU might be in "Excess" or "Healthy" now but we tell you to "Buy Now".

      Why? Because by the time of your next delivery, your product will be "At Risk" or "Stockout". Do not assume a product is fully in stock if it is described as Healthy, ALWAYS check the 'Best Order Date' column to confirm when the best time is to reorder.

      See here for more info on Stock Health.

  3. Buying Figures

    1. See how many units we recommend you to Buy to be at your Days of Cover by the time of next delivery

      (Pro tip: Click on ✨to see how "To Buy" amount is calculated)

Select columns for view in the Buying Table

Select the columns you need via settings wheel - learn more here.

Creating PO directly from the Buying Table

Select SKUs (check box) and then just click on "Create PO"

How to Edit in Bulk?

  1. Select columns you want to edit in bulk via Settings Wheel

  2. Select SKUs via check box

  3. Click on Bulk bar

Export Plan and Buying Table

Pro tip: Move your columns via drag and drop

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