You can check your Locations from the page
Prediko automatically syncs any active Locations (with registered inventory) directly from Shopify stores. If you connect multiple Shopify stores, Locations from each of your stores will be synced and displayed on this page enabling you to view everything in one place.
You can also merge duplicate Locations or disable the ones those that shouldn't be included in inventory or future planning.
Combining/Merging Locations:
If you share the same location across different Shopify stores, make sure to Combine Locations so as not double count your inventory.
Your sales will still be considered across all Locations.
Go to Settings > Inventory Settings > Connected Locations > Click "Combine Locations"
Give Name to a Combined Location
Select in the Dropdown all the Locations that are the same, across Stores
Click "Combine"
Done ✅
If there are the same SKUs that are present in the Locations you have Combined, by default Prediko will take the minimum Inventory. You can update it in the SKU Mapping below.
It's important to note that you can only combine locations from different Shopify stores - you will receive the error: "Locations with the same store can't be combined" if you try and add incorrectly. It's also important to note that combining locations is not summing all the quantities, rather it’s avoiding counting for duplicates between locations that are different on Shopify multi-stores, but represent the same physical stock.
Disabling Location on Prediko
If you no longer want Prediko to take Inventory from a Location, make sure to disable it in your Settings.
Head to your Inventory Settings
Select "Enable" > No
Done! ✅
What happens when I disable Location?
Inventory from those Locations is not considered "In Stock"
You are unable to 'Create PO' for those Locations
You can still see historical demand from those Locations for Orders placed
Can I disable Location when I have a PO outstanding there?
No, if you have POs that are not "Closed" with this location as a destination - you will be unable to disable a Location. Make sure to edit or close the PO to proceed.