Same SKU mapping
If you have the same SKU (name of SKU) present in more than one Product - we need to have a source of truth for Inventory
Where can I see SKUs that appear under more than one Product?
Scroll down the page to "Same SKU Mapping" >
Search for SKU
See in the dropdown "Main Product"
Done! β¨
What Products can I see in the dropdown?
All the Products that have the same SKUs as a Variant per Location.
What are the default settings?
During onboarding, you can confirm if you would like us to pull the Min or Max inventory for a main Product. Once selected, this Product will stay the Main Product, unless manually updated.
E.g. here
IF you choose MAX, then Product 2 will be the Main Product
IF you choose MIN, then Product 3 will be the Main Product
SKU name | Product | In Stock |
SKU A | Product 1 | 67 |
SKU A | Product 2 | 234 |
SKU A | Product 3 | 23 |
Why am I seeing the wrong Inventory for SKU?
Check your SKU mapping - maybe the wrong Product is linked as a Main Product. Simply select another one!
If I update it - will it stay the same?
Yes, if you override the Main Product - it will now be linked.
How long does it take to update?
The sync will begin and should be updated in 1-2 min.
Will the new Main Product name be shown on my POs & Buying Table?
Do you take Sales into account from all Products?