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Demand Plan - Simple Plan
Anya Bacon avatar
Written by Anya Bacon
Updated over a week ago

Demand Plan - Simple Plan

When you first download Prediko, the default plan set is the Simple Plan. The Simple plan is a rolling mean average (set initially to a 90 day look-back period), meaning it simply looks back at the previous 3 months of sales and forecasts according to those months. In the majority of cases, the most applicable plan for you will be the Smart Plan (see more details about this below).

How is your Simple Plan calculated?

It will take a mean average of the set look-back period (which can be customised accordingly in the settings). E.g

If your look-back period is set to 90 days and you have sold 100 units in those past 90 days, we assume you will again sell 100 units in the next 90 days. And we extrapolate it over the next 12 months.

How often is it updated?

It is automatically updated daily.

Can I Edit my Plan?

No, you can't edit a Simple Plan.

You can only update a Smart Plan.

What are the differences between Simple and Smart Plan?

Simple Plan

Can Edit?

Automatically Updated?


No, but can easily "Re-plan" via Bulk manually

Seasonality included?

AI generated?

What brands should be on a Simple vs Smart Plan?

Simple Plan is best suited for brands, that:

🔵 New brands

🔵 Sales are prone to "Spikes" and frequent changes

🔵 Don't want to edit their plan on a regular basis (as this is updated automatically on a daily basis)

Smart Plan is best suited for brands, that:

🟣 Have seasonality

🟣 Have >3-6 months of Sales

🟣 Plan proactively

How to update to a Smart Plan? Is it free?

You can upgrade to a Smart Plan by clicking on "Configure Plan", on Plan page:

It is completely FREE!

Please note that when switching to a Smart Plan, it may take several minutes to update dependant on your import of data.

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