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Days Left vs Stock Cover
Days Left vs Stock Cover
Anya Bacon avatar
Written by Anya Bacon
Updated over 8 months ago

What is Stock Cover?

Stock cover is the amount of stock you have left measured in days. By default, Prediko sets the Stock Cover at 90 days and the Safety Stock at 30 days. The 'Healthy' days left would mean keeping your stock delivery in this range (e.g between 30 and 90 days).

How does it work? When we share buying recommendations, our recommended units are calculated to the maximum stock cover range at delivery. e.g. we would tell you to order enough to last for 90 days after the delivery. We also make sure to let you know when to order so as not go below the lower range at delivery. E.g. if your lead time is 15 days, we would prompt you to place an order when you have 45 days left, so at delivery, your minimum would be 30 days left.

See how your Stock Health is calculated based on the Stock Cover days.

What are the Days Left?

How many days it will take for you to sell through the stock, given the Plan that you have entered (sales/quantity).

Note that we don't take In Transit into account when calculating Days Left.

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